Life is full of joys -- of sorrows, too, of course. But the joys are far greater and, for most of us (including me) more numerous than the sorrows.
My greatest joy is watching my son -- and, now, also my co-blogger, Thomas Macaulay Boudreaux -- grow into manhood. He is still only eleven years old, yet he is thoughtful (even sometimes philosophical), caring, empathetic, and fun. And with this blog, Thomas and I will have fun together - and, hopefully, also offer some insights and fun (!) to our readers.
Thomas loves Star Trek, his dogs Albert and Molly, his friends Paddy, Andrew, Charlie, Aaron, Rusty, Liam, Kit, and Jaycee. He also loves science (especially about space) and watching Dirty Jobs, Myth Busters, and Monty Python. And he's thrilled to be learning to fence.
The world Thomas will grow up in will very likely be, if imperfect, full of wonders and the potential for happiness for him. He is my greatest achievement -- and together he and I hope to share a small part of our wonderful, happy, science-and-laugh-filled world with you.